Be the Cat's Meow

Posts Tagged ‘Luke Vibert

I must confess, my summer soundtrack is a 6 year old release, but I’m still loving it. Kerrier District, an alias of one of my favorite DJ’s Luke Vibert, is considered an acid funk revival. I also think the infectious beats are disco infused- think Herb Alpert meets acid house.

Take a listen for yourself, here is one of my favorite tracks (also a big fan of Illogan & Yesco).

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  • saracfry: Good post. Thank you. I think that you might appreciate an article I just wrote titled "The Purity of Love"
  • fullblather: Ugh. I'm happily married but I really hate Valentine's Day and the way it feels so forced. I also hate how people make it seem like something is "wron
  • matt: Be the right person, instead of looking for the right person.
