Be the Cat's Meow

Posts Tagged ‘backstreet boys

It is surreal when you reach the point in life where things start falling into place for your “circles.” The last round of folks are beginning their college careers, those that have graduated are now finding their niche, families are being made, etc.

I can’t help, but feel grateful for it all and excited about the future. I don’t have a wedding ring or family to show off, but I do have a solid career, expanding my artistic opportunities, own a house and feel healthier and happier than ever. Truth be told, maybe there are still pieces of me that are sad, but I have learned to keep on keeping on, because that is all you can do.

Anyways, thinking about the present reminded me of my bumpy past. It definitely was not easy getting to this point. I took some wrong turns and trusted some wrong people, but that is all behind me for the best.

I was self-destructive, and I can only blame myself there, but I also wanted to believe that all people are inherently good. That being said, I ate up the bullshit asshole people fed me and, unfortunately, let these bad influences into my life.

I have no regrets, everything made me who I am today, but I sure as hell would LOOOOOOOVE to see some of these jerks again to punch them in the face!! It would go a little something like this:

“Hey, thanks for pretending to care about me & be my friend, when I needed it, only to find out you were trying to end my relationship and get in my pants AND bragging about it.” **BOOM**

“Hey, thanks for being a junkie boyfriend, diluting my reality and having the nerve to say I messed you up. Boy, you was already MESSED up.” **BOOM**

“Hey, thanks for making me your scapegoat in high school and making those years even more miserable than necessary.” **BOOM**

“Hey, thanks for saying ‘you’ll be there,’ and never actually meaning it, even when I was extremely depressed and needed it most.” **BOOM**

“Hey, thanks for choosing drugs over our friendship and never admitting that you actually did AND NOW you continue to pretend that never happened.” **BOOM**

“Hey, thanks for walking all over me all those years while being judgemental since I don’t fit the ‘mold’.” **BOOM**

I could probably come up with more, but those are the key people I would just like to say WTF too. F* you for being an asshole & good riddance! Plus, I know I am in a better place than ALL OF THEM now. I would LOVE to wipe the smug smiles off their faces and let them know all their trash talking didn’t hold me down.

Wow, writing this was almost as therapeutic as punching someone in the face! …or at least how I would imagine it…

It just goes to show, I don’t care who you are or where you’re from…

….wait, the Backstreet Boys said that, not me….

okay, I say, it does not matter what happened in your past. You can hold onto your mistakes and fall into some downward spiral OR you can grow from then and learn to be better as a result! Then, you can look back and remind yourself, I AM BETTER THAN ALL OF THESE ASSHOLES!!

Heck, writing is one of the best forms of therapy, so unleash all that bitterness into something fierce! They’ll never read it and if they do maybe they will realize what an worthless asshole they were (/are).

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  • saracfry: Good post. Thank you. I think that you might appreciate an article I just wrote titled "The Purity of Love"
  • fullblather: Ugh. I'm happily married but I really hate Valentine's Day and the way it feels so forced. I also hate how people make it seem like something is "wron
  • matt: Be the right person, instead of looking for the right person.
